
HandMadeForLife exists to sell handcrafted wooden items in support of pro-life ministries in the Philadelphia area.

I supply all the materials and labor at my own expense. Prices run from $5 to $25. All proceeds from sales at churches will go directly to the church for distribution to the pro-life ministry of their choice. To arrange a sale at your church or pro-life organization, contact me at mikebranhut@hotmail.com.

Ministries wh have supported:
Pro-Life Union
Guiding Star Maternity Home
Holy Family Home for the Elderly Poor
The Cenacle
Maternity BVM St. Vincent DePaul Society

2024 In-Person Sales
Nov. 16 & 17 - St. Anselm
Nov. 23 & 24 - St. Matthew's
Dec. 1 & 2 - St. Cecelia's
Dec. 7 & 8 - Maternity BVM

Our 2024 season is finished. Thanks to everyone who helped. Together we raised over $4500 for pro-life ministries in the Philadelphia area. See you next year!
(If you have any special requests before then, just email me and I'll see what I can do.)

The Pieta

Scrolled from 1/8" thick Baltic Birch plywood with wooden backing. Approx. 8 1/2" x 11". With a simple wooden stand, and a hanger on the back.

Scrolled from 1/8" thick Baltic Birch plywood and matted for mounting in an 11 x 14 frame. Shown with a simple Dollar Store frame(not included).